Well it's been a long dry spell with no blogging, but there's certainly been a lot of activity around the farm. Here are just a few of our accomplishments:
We've managed to grow enough vegetables to sell nearly every week this semester.
We've expanded our Mauka garden to make room for even more tomatoes and greens. If all goes well, we expect to have tomatoes available most of the spring semester, along with loads of arugula (it's been a favorite these past few weeks) as well as lettuce, sweet basil, and carrots.
On the Waimanalo farm, our bananas have gone bananas! Every Saturday when we show up we're shocked at how much more they've grown. With over 20 different varieties there's always something amazing to look forward to, as we await new fruit stalks and tasty yellow fruits. In between the bananas, we've been growing three different kinds of sweet potatoes since the spring. We harvested and sold a bunch of the earlier maturing kinds (like Molokai Red), and also made good use of the tender greens in stir-fries and curries. In the places where we harvested potatoes, we're trying out a few different things, including daikon, birdhouse gourds, and kabocha.
Of course, all of this takes work, and there's been no shortage of that. We're happy to see new faces nearly every week, and it's amazing to see people willing to muscle up and get dirty. We've spread literally tons of compost and mulch, and hand-pulled countless thousands of weeds. We make time for fun stuff, too, like relaxing at Waimanalo Beach Park.
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