Thursday, February 27, 2014

Spring updates

We have mostly been keepin our heads just above water this semester but have made some headway in new territory.  Namely we coordinated with the Food Sciences (namely Misty and Dr Dodd) prior to the Christmas Break and grew varied salad greens that were purchased by Food Science (thanks much for your business) and prepared for the Quiz Bowl attendees last Friday 21 Feb.  
      Now although we haven't had any produces sells in the Sustainability Courtyard we will have one coming up this Monday, see details below, and would really love to see some of our more regular volunteers to help make this a successful venture. At the same time we would love to expand to having another sale and ask that folks that want to participate to come to our next few workdays.  It is good wholesome fun and your efforts will be rewarded with the pride in a job well done and in almost every instance a small bag of assorted produce.  Regular members have additional perks and we are always happy for new ideas on how to make improvements.  
    Of course this Saturday we have a workday and it would be great to get a full house.
    Finally, Tuesday the 4th the Noelani 1st Graders are coming out and Mitchell Loo sure could use a hand managing those little rascals.  The kids are on site at the SOFT Farm from 0800 - 0945 but I sure would appreciate if folks could give Mitchell a hand as early as 0700 to get the site prepped for those little folks.  

The following are some elaborations on the key days and dates coming up.

Saturday, 1 Mar 0900 - 1500:  SOFT Farm Workday (Priority tasks include removing dead lilikoi vines on the pavilion and prep Bed 1 for herbs and future lilikoi plantings.  Harvest for Mondays sell and take home produce for all volunteers.  Compost turning and some other regular maintenance items, including weeding, tilling, planting seedlings, checking the bees, a little grass cutting, and a little pest remediation.  This day also includes Earth Day Prep with Michi she sure would appreciate the extra help and although she has the energy of a lioness I would love to see some newcomers come out and take some of the weight off her shoulders.

Saturday, 1 Mar 1500 - 1600:  Members Meeting Location TBD 

Monday, 3 Mar 0730 - 1430: Produce Sale (this is pretty much a whole day event but you can easily help as you will see from the compartmentalized timeline below
0730 - 0900 at SOFT Farm at Magoon Harvest and clean greens for the sell.  We need about 2 more volunteers to make this an efficient harvest.  (Michi and Nate are leading this effort)
0900 - 1000 transport all veggies from SOFT Farm to the refrigerator at Pope Lab.  One more with Michi would be very helpful.
1030 - 1120 Behind Pope Lab help load up truck for transportation to Sustainability Courtyard.  (I will be loading up from 1030 - 1100 and departing by 1100 for Sustainability Courtyard to set up for the sale another helper would be very useful)
1130 - 1200 Set up at Sustainability Courtyard.  one or two more helpers for Michi if you have some time.
1200 - 1330 Produce Sale.  Leftovers go to volunteers 1 - 2 more to help Michi
1330 - 1430 Finally the most critical part repack the truck and get everything accounted for and back to its proper place I really need at least one more person to help Michi get this done as she is bound to be worn out after all this.

Tuesday, 4 Mar 0700 - 0945:  Noelani First Graders are coming over come help Mitch set up from 0700 or come at 0930 to help close the thing down and get every thing back to its proper place or come anytime in between and help herd the kids.  You know they say the darndest things.

Okay If you made it this far then Thank You.  Bottom line I put this much detail because I want to emphasize that it doesn't take a lot of time to be really helpful to the group an hours help from bunches of folks is how we get things done at SOFT and is the most representative of a student lead and operated organization.