Today we had the first workday up at the Mauka plots, and the turn out was excellent!
Above:Watering our newly planted seeds.
Below: Josh hooking up some irrigation.

We did the usual weeding and cleaning up but we also planted some beans.
After we were done we snacked on some awesome 'uala (sweet potato) bread [thanks to Brooke!], bananas and some roasted 'ulu [compliments of Gabe and Duke].

Just us cruising after working on the garden.

Group pictures are always good!
Don't forget we are at the Mauka plot on Wednesdays from 4-6PM. Come out and join us! For more info visit our website or email us:
Below: Josh hooking up some irrigation.
We did the usual weeding and cleaning up but we also planted some beans.
After we were done we snacked on some awesome 'uala (sweet potato) bread [thanks to Brooke!], bananas and some roasted 'ulu [compliments of Gabe and Duke].
Just us cruising after working on the garden.
Don't forget we are at the Mauka plot on Wednesdays from 4-6PM. Come out and join us! For more info visit our website or email us: